04 November 2007

Favorite Shortbread Cookies

One of my favorite Christmas goodies is the Shortbread Cookie. My Mom always requests a batch of these buttery bites every year, and I give some as gifts in inexpensive baskets, lined with a festive tea towel or cloth napkins.

I'm a Shortbread purist. :) I make mine from a more traditional recipe which uses brown sugar, rather than confectioner's sugar. They're easy to make, if you don't mind the rolling out of the dough, and make a large batch that freezes well. They're a melt-in-your-mouth tradition in our house.

Ingredients You'll Need:

1/2 pound REAL butter (1 cup), softened
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 cups flour
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon PURE vanilla extract
pinch salt


Mix well, using your clean, jewelry-free hands. The heat from your hands will help melt the butter into the sugar and allow you to make sure there are no hardened "lumps" in the sugar. When the dough is well-mixed (but do not overwork!) roll out to about 1/4-inch thick and cut into desired shapes. Or, roll into small balls; place on lightly greased cookie sheets and flatten with the bottom of a glass.

Bake at 300° F. for approximately 20 to 25 minutes, until cookies are a light golden brown. Watch carefully that they don't burn!


* try not to use darkened cookie sheets as cookies will burn easier OR line sheets with aluminum foil, dull side UP
* if I'm using newer cookie sheets, I don't grease them...the cookies have enough fat in them so that they don't stick

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Blogger Susan J Barker said...

I love those old recipes, Nancy -- this year I am determined to make a spiced plum/prune cake my mother used to do. I pulled out the recipe just the other day! it is one of those that can age til the big day -- dark rum being in the recipe and poured over after cooking...

Though in your Thursday thirteen of christmas quotes I generally fall into the 13th quote you mentioned -- I prefer not to notice the hullaballo until I wake up one morning and say "this is Christmas Day"...

Nov 4, 2007, 4:40:00 AM  

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